The drive was only 250 miles, Hyw 93 and 318 North to 6. The road was great and the reduction in temperature was a dream come true. The changing face of the desert is something that we will have to come back and see again. I guess we are very fortunate to be here at this particular time of the year as it is during these few short weeks that the desert blossoms. I would not want to be here in summer (120F, 100 at night).
Ely is a very historic town that is struggling to stay on the map. It is still one of the largest copper mining areas along with many other precious ores but with automation that does not employ many anymore. However, the city is hanging on as a holiday stop. Hyw 93 is listed as a historic scenic route and Federal money has kept the highway in great shape. Hundreds of caves in the surrounding mountains are now hiking and climbing attractions designed for the young and flexible! We were surprised to watch the RV park and the Hotel sell out on a weeknight, off season. Good for them.
Our only complaint with the RV Park was that the WiFi was very weak and brutally slow. So there will be no photo uploading or blog while we are here. Tomorrow will be special treat for Gerry. I will leave it up to Claudia to show him the pictures!
Dave and Kaye. Enjoyed your page and stole your pictures for my Facebook Group. Sure glad you learned how to say Ely (Eelee). Now you'll sound like you belong....LOL I run your route every year and never get tired of the view. From Kansas to Vegas to Ely. Maybe we'll pass someday. Watch for a big Goldwing pulling a trailer.....Thanks for the visit. Glen Saunders