Beach, Beach, Chase some Birds on the Beach!
On our trip East we had been caught by the bad weather tormenting the Gulf Coast in NW Florida so we skipped over the Carrabella coastline and followed the I10 to Tallahassee and then took the 98 South to Perry and on to Crystal River. Horrible Interstate driving. For this return trip we planned to stay at Daytona Beach while visiting the Kennedy Space Centre. As I already explained, that plan went astray due to Spring Break, so we were really feeling guilty about Kyle waiting so patiently for us to return from our adventures. New plan, go cross country on the 40 and hook back up with the 98 on the West coast South of Perry and then travel the complete coastal highway to Pensacola NAS. It was a wonderful, stress-less trip. The traffic was non-existent, the scenery was spectacular and the miles went by with a constant filmstrip of neat little towns.

At an intersection of the 40 and someplace we spied a field of colour. It was a huge bazaar of ceramic and welded nick-nacks that filled buildings, sheds, the complete grounds and....I don't know how we got out of there without spending a nickle. Must have been all the trips to Mexico and the unwillingness of the staff to barter. Their loss. Kaye wants a Pelican for the new deck, anyone up to carving one for us?

My fuel light was glowing when we caught back up with the 98 and our tummies had been growling for the last hour. After gassing up, no pun intended we realized that we were in the same no name town that we had a fabulous Chinese lunch on our way to Crystal River the first time. 6000 miles and we just fall into this place again...must be the fortune cookies.
The 98 around the coast is a great road. Fully resurfaced and fun to drive. We were back to the land of houses on stilts and miles of driving right beside the ocean. Our destination was an RV park right on the beach - Ho Hum; great name and great T shirts for sale in support of a charity. That got Kaye talking about all the work she did with the Legion and the Red Shirt program for Afghanistan Vets. Most of the people camped were full timers but our immediate neighbours had a husky named Zena who was a giant fluff ball. They were from just 30 miles down the road but the ocean was calling and that is the draw that some of us live for.
The beach was everything Kyle could have asked for and us too. He still couldn't catch any gulls and there was something in the berm (between the beach and the properties) that kept his nose buried and his body doing the jumping jacks. Sorry no video.
People with good imaginations have been picking up the trash they find and turning it into 'art' displays. This coastline is covered with beautiful properties and homes. We have decided to forego speed for beauty and will continue to follow the beachfront highway all the way to Pensacola Naval Air Station. We have been told by many, over and over, that we have to see their museum so off we go.
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