Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Day in Dallas, A Day in History

We checked into Bluebonnet RV Park, in Terrell,Tx, a husband and wife run park with great reviews. Kaye quickly commented on their lovely looking pool and hot tub and how good it was going to feel after a long scary day on the road.  We were greeting by that 'stare' again and then, with a little bit of stutter, an explanation that the pool was still closed for the season.  It was only 72F out.  They hoped to have it open for May.  They would turn on the hot tub if we could just delay our dip for several hours to let it warm up.  We said; "Yes".

It was dark and cool when we headed for the tub.  I hit the jets switch and as we climbed in, the rising chlorine gas stung our eyes.  We gave it a few moments but it was so strong we couldn't catch our breath.  What a shame.  I guess they 'treated' the tub just for us.  It was still too strong on our second night.

Don't let that scare you away from staying here in the future as everything else about the park was perfect.  Tons of open space for Kyle to run and a large 'catch and release' fishing lake to entertain the kids.

Our day in Dallas started at the JFK Museum located in the famous Repository Building where Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president on that fateful day in history.  Officially called; 'The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealy Plaza'. No picture taking inside,  Sorry.

The tour is very unique.  You are issued a personal voice player and headset on the ground floor and then take an elevator to the sixth floor.  The walls of sixth floor are covered in timeline photographs, reprints of police reports, and artifacts all assembled into numbered panels.  You get to control the pace of the audio presentation that brings each panel to life.  It is as if you are getting a one-on-one personally guided tour despite the fact that you are shoulder to shoulder with other people.  

As you stand beside the infamous window and stare at the 'X' in the road, that marks the spot where JFK was shot, you become part of history, it is very sobering. This picture is taken from the Grassy Knoll and the Red Diamond over the X marks the spot of the first shot that struck JFK.  The museum history boards say that a shot was in fact fired from the knoll but that it missed hitting anyone.  I did not know that they had 'officially' come to this conclusion. This museum is not a place to bring children.  It is all listening and reading.  Allow at least 2 hours or more.  We were 2.5.

Historic downtown Dallas has become the home to many museums and some very unique architecture.  It was too late for us to enjoy a second museum so we elected to just walk the district and get some exercise.  

The Bank of America building is so big it makes the other large towers around it look small.  

I met this lovely lady sitting on a bus bench in the middle of small park.  Strange place for a bus bench.

We have left lots behind to come back and see another time.

I was given a challenge for dinner.  Make a gourmet Hot Dog that would top the Ball Park Franks Kaye enjoyed at the Blue Jays baseball game in Port Charlotte, Fl.  I love a challenge.

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