Our first stop was the dog friendly beach. What a place of magic and smiles. The picture of Kyle does say it all. We and the other dogs exhausted him completely. Leashes are actually required, however the volunteer society that has been managing the beach for the last 16 years looks after the beach and area and pays the city via donations and sales of merchandise. In return, the city does not patrol the beach or enforce the leash bi-law. Strange way to do business but if it works....
At downtown Huntington there is the famous pier with Ruby's Diner at the very end. They had excellent coffee and a menu that did not appear to gouge considering their 'location, location'. We were entertained by buskers, doomsday preachers, giant pogostick jumpers, fishermen, surfers and of course, beach volleyball players. Kaye got all the eye candy on this day.
Halfway out on the pier was a Pelican hamming it up for whatever photographers would pay attention. There was no lack of photographers including us. Professional photographers were everywhere and photo shoots were everywhere. Nobody offered me a job...
We wandered through many of the main street tours and eventually found the Surfer Museum. Check this one off for the bucket list too. It is only one large room but we spent over an hour reading the history, watching the videos and sorting through the memorabilia.
Kaye found a classy ladies beach shop and we are the proud owners of a new bathing suit. I just liked getting to sit in the ladies change area and watch...
We headed home from Huntington via Beach Blvd and joined up with the 22 highway four miles from Disney. 4-6 lanes all the way and co-ord lights. Piece of cake.
On Sunday we headed out on the I5 South to join Laguna Beach at it's Southern point and work our way North back to Huntington Beach. When we left the freeway the drive became very attractive. High mountains with rolling hills and twisting roads. Once you could see the ocean, the commercial signs became listings for 'spas, spas, spas,'...As we entered Laguna Beach the most noticeable objects were the parking meters. They are out into the residential district. Parking fees are not stupid and the meters are limited in time so it creates a changeover in the downtown area quite quickly but wow, this community wants it's fees.
Laguna Beach is the 'Artsy, Gay, Alternative, etc, etc,' homeland of the Artisan world in California. We walked the streets and the galleries. If you understand and appreciate art, you could not only spend a couple of days here but you could drop some serious coin on artwork. We don't, so we were safe. Here is a description of the parking spots on 6th street. Lamborghini, Porsche, Merc, Porsche, Merc, Merc, Merc, Merc, and a scattering of BMWs and Cadillacs where they could fit....They all still got out of my way when I turned on my signal. Must be a Canadian thing.
Laguna has a boardwalk that follows the cliffs for about two miles. There are picnic sites with outdoor BBQ pits and the area is immaculately groomed. Turn off #1 towards the water and follow the cliff road. Parking is reasonable and the view and walk is worth the price.
We drove the #1 back to Huntington and joined Kyle for another 6000 steps on the dog friendly beach. Overall, a great weekend at the best beaches California has to offer. This is a place to remember and come back to.
The weather says that the sun is coming so it will be back to Disney for Mon and Tues. Wish us luck.
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