We booked for two nights on-line, then after speaking with the check-in hostess for 30 minutes we extended our stay another night. That plan went South after we reviewed all the great tourist material she gave us, so after dinner we decided to stay for a week ($330 w full hook-ups and $220 each for three day Disney Hopper Passes).
While shopping we questioned people about how long it would take to get to the famous Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach based on traffic woes. Answer; Weekdays are madding, so the weekends will be reserved for beach adventures and the weekdays for the theme parks. We were informed that there is a dog friendly beach close to Huntington so guess who gets a special day for themselves.
The park shuttles run every 20 minutes for a whopping $5 a day, come and go as many times as you please. Disney is so classy and well organized. I swallowed my pride and with my balancing stick in hand accepted a Guest Assistance Card. Even though the park was very quiet the card provided a place to sit and wait vice always standing. Heaven.
Great news is that Disney has a FastPass system for the major attractions. You put your ticket into the pass machine and it gives you a window of time to return at which time you go straight to the entrance gate. With the pass registered you can feel free to roam and visit the minor attractions without having to just stand in line for hours and hours. And, it is a free system. At Universal I explained that the 'Front of the Line' pass was an extra $50 each, per day. As I said; Disney is classy!
It was a cool day and the crowds were very small. This is one of the slowest periods of the year. The good news is that meant almost no waits for the attractions but the bad news is that several of the major attractions were undergoing renovations. For Canadians, I would still pick missing a few attractions over fighting crowds and standing in line in high temperatures.
While waiting in line we spoke with a couple entertaining a young child. When we asked what her favourite experience was 'yesterday' they said it was watching the ducks while they had lunch. Reminds you of Christmas Day when the best present for a little one is letting them play with the wrapping and boxes. Makes you rethink the 'big' present you spent too much money on.
It was my first time using the Go Pro so I had no idea how it would handle the darkness in the theme rides like 'Indiana Jones' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. Turns out it does not handle 'dark' well at all. Darn, but the video is still fun. Try and listen for Kaye's screams. When I finished editing the movie, I hit the Upload button for YouTube and it said it would take 775 minutes to upload a three minute movie!!! Does that give you an idea of how slow our Internet connection is. I formatted it to a lesser quality and got it to load in less than two hours. However after viewing it, I too, am disappointed. Guess we will have to wait for a better connection.
Thanks for the tips Dave & Kaye - I enjoyed your blog and the vidoe turned out pretty good - gives you sense of the darkness and speed of the ride. It reminded me of Space Mountain a "few years" back when we took Anthony & Andrew to Disney World.