Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cruising Fresno and Getting Ready for a New Trailer

Yesterday our 06 finally clocked over 40K.  She is going to get some miles put on now! 

When we headed out this morning, in the driving rain, this is what the overhead temp gauge read when I switched it from C to F.  Thank God this was only a 'glitch'.

We have cursed Fresno and brought the rains with us.  This city is so dry it does not have storm drains on the streets.  I had fun pushing the dually down the right hand lane and sending gushers up over the sidewalk.  I know; "asshole".  I was actually washing the underbelly because I was forced to drive through gummy mud at the start of the trip which was stuck in the wheel wells and mud flaps.  There wasn't room in the truck for the pressure washer.  

Look at the lake in front of RV main office.  You can see our new trailer pulled into the shop to finish the modifications.  The boys were tired of working in the rain.

Poor Kyle.  We emptied half the box and whole cab into the hotel room on Monday night.  On Tuesday we shopped and filled the truck back up.  Most of that was unpacked into the hotel room.  This morning we did it again.  Kyle's back seat was reduced to 'curl up room only'.

There was only enough room left for one more stop.  The trailer had better be ready today !

Holy Crap, Costco sells liquor and beer.  Tom I won't tell you what it costs, you'll cry.  So just be happy they don't sell Lucky.  Corona is less than 60c a bottle. Kaye is happy.

This is wrong, just wrong.  It goes to prove that our 'duty free' at the border is absolutely a lie.  Not that I like Black Velvet, but a 1.75 for $10.

I bought one of my favourite scotches for over $80 less than our BC stores.  I was excited when we paid $35 less at the Superstore in Alberta and that was for a 1.14 and this was a 1.75

Vodka is $7 and Grey Goose is $35 per 1.75

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