After watching our dear Kanuckleheads lose we decided to brave the weather and head for warmth. Kaye is tired of socks and hoodies.
Jim wanted us to stay another day, he said travelling was just a waste of fuel due to the high winds. So we checked out the map, chose a different route that would put the wind up our butt and get us off of Interstate Freeways. It added another 75 miles to the journey so we did not make it to Yuma. Oh well.
When we stopped for a Kyle break I took this picture of a crow, nose into the wind, hanging onto the fence for dear life.
All of the trees and shrubs have these irrigation dams built around them to hold the water long enough for it to actually soak in. Smart.
Map Location of River Breeze RV Resort
As soon as we left the main road a golf cart drove through the intersection. It was followed by a four wheeler off road machine. They are licensed and legal on the road in CA and AR and everyone has one, or two or three of them.Local Transportation pictures.
The local birds are very vocal with pretty voices, not like the crows at Alder Bay. We have decided to stay another day. Total is the last day of spring break and lots of the people with children are packing up. We figure the roads will be busy. This place is very nice and we are actually starting to relax. Our phone is on.
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